Learn all about CPR training valves and other tools that might be used in order to save a life. Learn how to properly install them in your training mask and when to discard them.
It’s a NEW reusable mesh bag with more uses than I can name…
Don’t worry! You’re still going to be getting the same quality products you’ve grown to expect from MCR Medical. We have just chosen to make a few small modifications to the packaging.
In the past, we have packaged our training valves and training BVMs in a plastic carrying case with a handle. Moving forward, the new packaging for these products will be a usable black mesh bag. Continue reading Same Quality Products w/ A Fresh New Look
Handle big classes hygienically (without breaking the budget!)
CPR training uses a lot of “consumables.” As an instructor, you know you have to replace training valves after each class, but do you know why? Today we’ll explain a little about how valves work, and compare pros and cons of valves vs CPR training shields.
How it Works:
When students breathe into the valve, it’s like blowing into a balloon: inflating and deflating (lung bags work just like balloons!). Then, they pass the “balloon” to the next person.
Within the valve stem is a gauze-like material that prevents fluids transferring between students during practice, preventing cross-contamination.
The CPR feedback device provide, real-time, audiovisual and corrective evaluation.
CPR Feedback Device Manikin
DALLAS, August 15, 2017 — The American Heart Association – the world’s leading voluntary health organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular disease – will now require the use of an instrumented directive feedback device (CPR Feedback Device) in all courses that teach adult CPR skills, effective January 31, 2019. The devices provide, real-time, audiovisual and corrective evaluation and instruction on chest compression rate, depth, chest recoil and proper hand placement during CPR training.
Why should you try re-inflatable CPR training mask by MCR Medical? Because these particular masks allow you to customize or refill your training mask’s air bladder! With the included syringe, you can add or remove air from the bladder, individualizing the CPR training pocket mask to best fit the contours of your manikin.
Reusing one-way valves is defeating the purpose of the valves and goes against CDC guidelines.
We field many calls regarding the reuse of one way valves and we know that some instructor trainers demonstrate the re-use of these valves. This is defeating the purpose of the valves and goes against CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines DO NOT allow for one way CPR valves to be decontaminated. Period. This is true of all pocket resuscitator mask style valves from any manufacturer. The HEPA style filter inside the valve cannot be cleaned and disinfected without destroying the efficacy of the filter. Continue reading Cross Contamination and One Way Valves