Why should you try re-inflatable CPR training mask by MCR Medical? Because these particular masks allow you to customize or refill your training mask’s air bladder! With the included syringe, you can add or remove air from the bladder, individualizing the CPR training pocket mask to best fit the contours of your manikin.
Some of the benefits of our innovative re-inflatable CPR training mask will make you want to at the very least, try them out. One big benefit is the ability to form a tight seal with your hands around the mask and the manikins face to confirm that your breath is entering the lungs of the manikin. This allows you or your students to make sure that they are properly exhaling into the lungs. You never have to discard your masks when they go flat (given that they have not been punctured). Because the washable trainers are capable of being decontaminated per CDC guidelines, they’re reusable and help maximize your training dollar! This method will ultimately save you money and worry in the long run.
Our masks are sold in a ten pack with a syringe and a complimentary pack of 10 training valves. These masks are available for adults as well as infants. The mask’s stems are fully compatible with all brands of universal CPR valves. All of MCR Medical Supply’s CPR training mask should be inspected and disinfected after use, replacing as necessary. The masks do not have an oxygen port and are designed for training purposes only.

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