PPE Best Practices for Home Caregivers

Tips to stay safe for those caring for others at home

Hospital employees and first responders know how to use PPE to protect themselves and reduce the spread of Covid-19, but what if you’re a layman taking care of someone at home? MCR Medical has the equipment you need and the tips to help ensure you can use the PPE best practices for home caregivers. 

PPE best practices for the rest of us

While it’s important to use PPE, it’s even more important to use it CORRECTLY. The best tips for PPE use come from the CDC. We follow these steps ourselves when interacting with others who are or may be positive for Covid-19. Following these handy PPE best practices for home caregivers can keep you safe while still allowing you to care for those you love. Much of this equipment and best practices will also help you keep infections from spreading for other illnesses as well, so these are really good instructions to keep around. Use this handy file to refer to what you need and how to use it

CDC-Guidance-Donning-PPE (2)

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