Tag: #cprkeychain
CPR Key chains are a great way to ensure your safety and preparation for an emergency. They small, compact and are readily accessible and help to prevent cross contamination while resuscitating. They are also a great gift for friends, family and students.
Getting Students to Engage During CPR Training
A few Tips & Tricks for the Instructor
Let’s be honest, high school students are more concerned with social media and the Kardashians than they are with CPR and First Aid Training.
Now more than ever we are seeing a larger presence of CPR instructors in high schools. This is primarily due to new bills passing that require high school students to have some type of CPR training prior to graduation.
Continue reading Getting Students to Engage During CPR Training
The CPR Rescue Mask and Other Barrier Devices
Why Use a CPR Rescue Mask or Keychain

Having a CPR rescue mask will help you perform CPR with more confidence and offer better rescue breaths.
You may not know why some people carry a CPR rescue mask and/or CPR key chains. You may not even know what they are. It’s OK. I had no idea what they were until I started working here at MCR Medical. Whether it be in your home, office, at school or on a ball field, I believe having a rescue mask available will encourage more people to perform CPR with rescue breaths. Continue reading The CPR Rescue Mask and Other Barrier Devices
Are You Ready to teach CPR Training?
Each week we field calls from people who are new CPR instructors or want to become one.

In 1960 when cardiopulmonary resuscitation was first developed, the American Heart Association started a program to acquaint physicians with close-chest cardiac resuscitation and became the forerunner of CPR training for the general public.
Today there are thousands of CPR instructors across the United States and each year more and more people are being trained as instructors.
Each week we field calls from people who are new CPR instructors or want to become one.With our customer needs in mind we have created a New Instructor Checklist (included in this blog post) to help alleviate some of the work of going into business for yourself. MCR Medical has created CPR Training kits that include manikins, AED trainers and other items for new instructors.
If you are new instructor or interested in becoming one, we can help. Not only do we have quality CPR, AED and First Aid training equipment at low prices, our owners are seasoned CPR, First Aid and CERT instructors / instructor trainers with decades of first aid and practical field experience as well. Continue reading Are You Ready to teach CPR Training?